The fact that the Pechanga enrollment committee needed guidance understanding the will and voice of the people with regards to the removal of the disenrollment procedure as specified in the petition of July 18, 2005 shows major confusion and inability to make critical judgments and decisions on documented evidence. This blog is about the Pechanga enrollment committee’s inability to determine facts.
According to the letter signed by the Tribal council interpreting the will and voice of the people and its directive to the enrollment committee to continue with the disenrollment process, clearly shows violations of the Bands bylaws and Constitution. Only the people can determine membership rights. As they have decided on enrollment issues in the past including adoption into the tribe. The General membership also enacted the current moratorium on membership, illegal as it violated tribal law and custom. Only the General Membership can make decisions, the councils job is to follow them not interpret them.
What say you?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
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The Drip "Source of Life"
In my opinion the CPP is destroying the tribe like a cancer from within. Its policy of greed both for power and money is tearing apart the tribe and will be responsible for the destruction of the casino. Everything is falling apart since the dis enrollments, as they have lost some of there best and keep some of there worst (like keeping in the tribe child molesters and thieves).
The General Membership is the governing body of the tribe and should have been the last word on enrollment issues. That they had to sneak around hiding behind locked doors being protected by there armed goons, canceling membership meetings until they finally had the guts to go ahead and throw out the vote of the people and dis enroll the Hinters anyways speaks volumes.
I feel a great sorrow for the Tribe whom I loved, I hate to see it all falling apart at the seams. Most the CPP don't even belong in the Tribe from what I understand.
Its not about the money? Then WHY do the CPP members get up during most meetings and give hissy fits about not getting enough?
Excellent post. I will be following up this post with a comparision of the history of Frances Miranda and Irhene and Ruth family evidence and contrast that with the historical evidence of Paulina Hunter. The comparison will be striking.
How did the Tribal council make the determination that the PEOPLE, had the authority to KEEP PEOPLE OUT via the petitiona for an unconstitutional moratorium, but did not have the authority to KEEP PEOPLE IN via a petition to halt ALL disenrollments?
It was simplicity itself, "KEEPING PEOPLE OUT" means more money in your pockets, and more control of the Tribe. And "to KEEP PEOPLE IN" would mean LESS spending money and LESS control, simple economics.
But I suppose this is too obvious, and you are asking for a deeper more ambiguous reason. I will have to think hard on this one... Hmmmmm... I have to admit, I Don't know
Also, why did tribal council allow the general membership to vote in 1986 to take in the descendants of Rose Murphy after the enrollment committee had rejected their membership applications if the general membership didn't have the authority to make membership decsions?
The general membership can make decisions regarding a CPP member's enrollment but not for anyone else?
Since the tribal council ruled in 2006 that only the enrollment committee can make enrollment decisions and the enrollment committee in effect retroactively kicked out Paulina Hunter over 100 years after her death, then shouldn't the decision to enroll Butch Murphy be null and void also?
If the Hunters did not have rights to be members.... Why did it take the enrollment committee 18 years after the 1988 disenrollment procedure enactment to finalize a decision?
We all know the rumors of disenrollment began in 1999. Again, why did it take 6 years to finalize something that is "certainly true"? The only thing obvious about this whole story is that the small CPP gang is destroying the integrity of a much larger group. Time to name names is just round the corner. Will you be the one to give the statement to the authorities that will seal the deal for the corrupt government officials?
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