This Blog is a direct post to all the people who believe nothing is happening for our continued efforts to expose the CPP (Concerned Pechanga People) AKA Corrupt Pechanga People for who they are.
''The future preservation and prosperity of American Indians will not be decided in the halls of Congress or state legislatures, nor will it be adjudicated within the solemn chambers of the U.S. Supreme Court,'' said Anthony Pico, former chairman of the Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians. ''It will be decided in the court of public opinion. ''How we are viewed in the eyes of the nation - and our ability to deliver our message to the public, the press, elected officials and federal and state policy makers - is of crucial importance to our grandchildren, their grandchildren and future generations of Native Americans. ''Perception is reality,'' Pico continued. ''Truth is our ally. If we don't take steps necessary to promote and accurate image of contemporary Native America, if we do not tell our story completely and accurately to all who will listen, the pillars of economic, social and governmental progress tribes have begun building over the last 30 years will come crashing down around us. Sadly, I fear cracks are already growing in the foundation.''
What the CPP fails to have is TRUTH! They will be the downfall of Pechanga. For our Children, Grandchildren and all Future generations of Pechanga! We must expose the CPP, we have Truth on our side.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
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The Drip "Source of Life"
Hey, all you disenrollees: Stop beating a dead horse. The tribe will never reverse its decision to remove you non-members. You should never have been enrolled in the first place. Your disenrollment corrected an error in the membership roll. Yes, the court of public opinion may pass judgment on Indian country (as it has done for centuries), but the public really has no idea about the fundamentals and elements of a tribal membership dispute. From appearances, the public cares little or nothing about the outcome of disenrollment. Without foundation, both the disenrollees and the journalists invariably present or imply the core issue as money. The extremist disenrollees go so far as to accuse a tribe of its inherent greed as motivating disenrollment. This accusation has a ring to it, although hollow. Moreover, your continual bad-mouthing of others only makes you sound bitter. You have nothing positive to offer while negativity consumes your consciousness. Bottom line: A disenrollment typically clarifies a longstanding question about membership qualifications. You disenrollees lost your membership because you did not have the facts on your side. End of story. Go on your way.
We are here to stay.
We have the facts! Would love to share them with you.
The story will never end.
The illegal actions will be addressed, you can count on that.
That's a Fact Jack!
Indian nations will pass Judgment on you!
You and your corrupt people are causing the erosion Pico talks about.
You confuse negativity with the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts.
The positive thing I would like to say is we love Pechanga. We love the good people of Pechanga. The casino could fall apart tomarrow, and we would still be here.
It's the criminal people (CCP) that could go on your way.
Indian nations will pass Judgment on you!
You and your corrupt people are causing the erosion Pico talks about.
You confuse negativity with the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts.
The positive thing I would like to say is we love Pechanga. We love the good people of Pechanga. The casino could fall apart tomarrow, and we would still be here.
It's the criminal people (CCP) that could go on your way.
The only dead horse I want to beat is the CPP. We were enrolled because we belong to Pechanga. Nothing you say will ever change that. Your lies, misinformation and half truths will never change what the Original Temecula Pechanga people know. Paulina Hunter was a recognized member of Pechanga. Antonio Ashmen knew it. Why is it so hard for you to understand? Anyone who see's our documentation knows we are Pechanga. Even the enrollment comittees own hired investigator, Dr. John Johnson knows it. The BIA knows it. Your story if a lie. We will expose it. The CPP will go down.
Anonymous poster, what facts supposedly show we are not Pechanga?
All there is are hearsay testimony from three tribal elders, all from the CPP faction of the tribe, some other letters and statements from CPP members, some containing outright falsehoods such as claiming Paulina Hunter was not on any of the Pechanga census records for the 1800's when in fact she is on every early census before 1900, a statement from the CPP saying Oral Tradition is the only way to determine citizenship, and lost or missing documents from the historical period and that is it!
Facts the enrollment committee ignored in making their bogus decision include: Five notarized depositions from current tribal elders not from the CPP faction (two more in our support were turned in at our appeal) who testified that they have always recognized us as Pechanga people, depostitions from the 1915 probate hearings for Paulina's allotment from tribal elders who lived in the historical period in question that show we are Pechanga people, plus as mentioned by another poster here, testimony from Antonio Ashman, who is called a vaunted (much praised) elder in the Pechanga tribe's own official Web site, who said when he was asked, "do you remember Paulina Hunter as a member of the (Pechanga) band?" His response was, "yes I knew her as such."
Anonymous poster, what facts refute the testimony during the 1915 probate hearings for Paulina's allotment by Pechanga elder Dolores Tortuga who said, "yes I knew her as a neighbor when "we Pechanga Indians" lived on the Paube Ranch near Temecula, Caifornia."
Tortuga also listed in her testimony the names of Paulina Hunter's children, so clearly she knew the Hunter family well. Why would she know details of the Hunter family so well if they weren't members of the band?
Added on testimony in our support, also from the 1915 probate hearings, is a deposition from Pechanga elder Jose David Rodriguez who colloborated Tortuga's testimony and who added he knew Paulina Hunter as a neighbor on the Pechanga reservation.
One of the things this Anonymous poster likes to bring up, if he or she is the same person who posts on another blog, is he or she claims Paulina Hunter was never known as a Pechnaga Indian, much less an Indian at all, by the BIA but if that is the case, then why do her living descendants who have gone through probate hearings even after their disenrollment, are their loved ones who have recently passed away still called deceased "Pechanga Indian allottees" in their BIA probate paperwork?
Clearly the BIA still considers us to be Pechanga Indians even if the tribe itself, wrongly I believe, does not!
I am still waiting for this person (or people) to bring up what was probably the most slanderous piece of propaganda that was turned in by the CPP which ironically they thought could be the smoking gun in getting rid of us but is actually the most easy to refute.
I will address that and other issues he or she may bring up if he or she stays around long enough to continue the debate.
I doubt he or she will answer our comments as all he or she does is pop in every once in while and make general statements without any basis of fact.
Anonymous said...
"Your disenrollment corrected an error in the membership roll...."
FACT: We have been members since the beginning (read creation) of the reservation. Our family has been on the membership rolls for over 100 years. Listed in the very first Pechanga census records from when the reservation was created. Listed as Pechanga, Luiseno, Temecula Indians (dispute that if you will please!!).
FACT: Our family was recognized as members from BEFORE there even was a reservation (proved via signed witnessed documents from the period).
FACT: You CPP used as your facts against the Hunters such dumb statements as "Paulina Hunter was not even listed on any of the tribal census records". When she was on every one until her death.
FACT: You CPP used as your facts even stupider statements such as "Paulina Hunter was not even an Indian, but some white woman from Ohio". This was so stupid when all you had to do was look and see the woman you were using wasn't even born until much later.
We were the ones with ALL the facts on our side. You were the one with NO facts on your side. We lost....... Hell yes we did, when you stacked the enrollment committee with your own members, removed those enrollment committee members who were on our side. And proceeded to ignore any evidence in our favor. Making such statements such as "we were going to be disenrolled no matter what evidence we provided".
Anonymous said...
"...invariably present or imply the core issue as money. The extremist disenrollees go so far as to accuse a tribe of its inherent greed as motivating disenrollment..."
Ok how about I give a diffrent reason for our disenrollment, one based not on greed but on something else....
It was out of HATE, and down right EVIL. The CPP are a evil and hateful group of people. I was shown this when they stood up in the general meeting and spoke against the support of taking care of children who were orphans in the tribe (ok sorry this one may be because of greed). The CPP lie and cheat, there is NO good in them. Yes there IS evil in this world, and the CPP are part of it!
I DO NOT accuse the tribe of greed, I accuse the CPP of being EVIL. The tribe is in the clutches of an evil entity called the CPP, and I would like to root out the festering evil called the CPP from our tribe and restore it's previously preCPP state.
B.S. - you're post was a plant. TO ENSIghtE anger. They worked the Hunters over,now we are just bitter,in their eyes. They are over us!!
We don't matter!!
Deal with it, you are a little late bro!!!!!!!!
thankx for trying, I guess?
wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
try another angle, O.K.?
I would like to make a comment about the orphans of the Tribe. Was support of them not a condition of the per capita distribution with the Secretary of the Interior, not a voting issue with the members?
We were out of compliance for many years regarding this. The voting of this issue by the people was just a farce. Surprisingly, the 1/10th distribution to the orphans became approved. Probably to much surprise by many. And years late for several of them.
Remember that God has eyes. In the Bible, we are commanded to care for widows and orphans. But since when has this Tribe been led by a pious and spiritual leader?
Sorry, this one has to be signed anonymously to protect the innocent.
What really shocked me was when Ed and several others of the CPP stood up in the general assembly and tried there best to shoot down the Tribes supporting of there orphans. They were so mad they were almost trembling. Over and over they stood up trying in vain to oppose it.
I suspected that Ed was prone to lying and making false statements with the intent of deceiving people. But I was still literally SHOCKED, and sat there with my mouth agape when he stood up and tried over and over to find a loophole out of there support.
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