You may have friends or family who will not have a job at the Pechanga Resort and Casino!
Pechanga has eliminated 25% of its enrolled membership and is still looking at ways to cut costs.
The next round of cost saving efforts will be the elemination of Full time employees. 1/3 of the Pechanga Resort and Casino employees are being targeted for expulsion, cutting the salaries and benifits to over 200 full time employees.
Well the actual Numbers just reported are up to 400 full time employees.
The economy was blamed for the near 9 percent trim on its workforce.“This has been the most difficult decision we have had to make since beginning operations,’’ Amy Minniear, president of the Pechanga Development Corp., said in a statement.“For months we have resisted the pressure to lay team members off,’’ Minniear said. “But because of the prolonged economic downturn, we must downsize in order to adjust to the current market conditions and position ourselves for success once the economy recovers.”The definite number of job cuts has not yet been determined, nor has the job type. Minniear noted that a comprehensive severance package, including outplacement services, would be developed.
Per capita payments are at stake, and struggling to stay the same. They are currently paying tribal members $30,000 a month. Instead of decreasing percapita payments because it's a "business" they will allow the terminations of Hundreds of full time employees.
Monday, July 21, 2008
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The Drip "Source of Life"
With the welfare of the tribe at stake, they need to cut out employees. It's difficult to make ends meet on $30,000 per year.
Good luck employees. Looks like you are crapping out....
Excuse me, did you mean to say .... $30,000 per month not per year.
The very sad part of this $30,000 a MONTH per capita is that a large group of those recieving it still have terrible credit!
The old saying give a man a fish, or teach a man to fish, certainly applies here.
Has anybody done the math??...1400 tribal members at $30,000 a month....thats $42 MILLION a month that those bloodsuckers are taking out of that Casino....GREED!!!!
Actually, the $30,000 per month/member is 25% of the revenue taken out of the Casino/month. The remaining 75% of the monies go to the Tribal Government, its (corrupt) offices, its tribal community programs, tribal scholarships’, Pechanga Development Cooperation, Pechanga Gaming Commission, etc… Its call the RAP (Revenue Allocation Plan) approved by the US Government. As a US Government policy 25% is the maximum allowed in a RAP for Per Capita Payments.
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