Our critic has posted this AGAIN. I would like to address this issue AGAIN.
Anonymous said...
Tribes determine their own membership in their own forum. The false accusations by the non-members against tribes and their leaderhip along with the attacks on the disenrollment process mislead others. The disenrolles lost their membership simply because they did not have the facts on their side. The disenrollments resolved longstanding questions about the membershsip qualifications of the disenrollees. Please note, Dear Reader, that the disenrollees always talk about money and seldom the plain facts leading to their ouster. The disenrollees try to cloak their plight and the cause of it by bringing up violations of human rights and civil rights. No violations happened. Instead, a tedious, thoughtful, serious internal process took place, resulting in the removal of individuals subject to disenrollment. This outcome corrected errors in the membership roll. For their own peace of mind, the non-members must endeavor to put the past behind, and go on with their lives as Americans.
On my Cousins blog Original Pechanga we are called losers by another Anonymous poster.
In that thread exchange there are some very good questions we would liked answered if you can.
I don’t see anyone talking about money now. Just plain facts, as we posted on the side bar of this blog.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
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The Drip "Source of Life"
If it is true that tedious, thoughtful, serious internal process took place, resulting in the removal of individuals subject to disenrollment, the Masiels, Basquez, Miranda, Murphy,Magee, barrientos, Vasquez,Pico,Perez,as well as hidden to be named at a later late...don't forget all 'adopted' enrolled by fraud should all be disenrolled and charged with fraud; grand theft of funds.
Council, enrollment committee, tribal police, all liars and thieves.
Welcome back anonymous! Kengish is that you?
It sounds like someone is practicing for a new commercial or some other propaganda tool to use against us and to further hide the truth. Remember that people will buy, believe, a lie if it is spun just right. It reminded of the "used care" salesman who would do anything to sell the lemons in his lot. This is just another example of rationalising a dirty act against the people F!@# them
What is absurd about our disenrollment is that the following people were some of the people who signed my congratulations letter welcoming me to the Pechanga tribe: Francis Miranda, Raymond Basquez, Ruth Masiel, and Vincent Ibanez.
The letter came with my enrollment card, which was signed by Vincent Ibanez, the enrollment committee chairman.
I am sure that my enrollment approval in my enrollment file was also signed by those people and that they voted in favor of enrolling me.
Why bring this up at this time?
I do so because years later Vincent Ibanez sent a letter to the enrollment committee from prison saying my family were not Pechanga people as did Raymond Basquez, although in his case it was not sent from prison.
Plus in 2006 Francis Miranda and Ruth Masiel, still on the enrollment committee, voted to kick me out of the tribe.
So the same people who voted to kick me out of the tribe and/or who submitted so called evidence in 2006 against my tribal membership had read my family history years before and they had approved my membership.
The information that supported my membership was good enough to satisfy them before so why isn't good enough now?
So if, as they claimed in 2004 and 2006 that they and the tribe had never recognized the disenrolled as Pechanga people but they had signed official papers years ago in support of the disenrolled when the disenrolled were enrolled, does that mean the people who voted the disenrolled out of the tribe committed perjury when they originally approved the disenrolled's membership?
I'm not sure of the exact quote, but as Mark M. once stated to a relative of mine who complained of the enrollment committee lying about things. "If you don't like lies, then make lying against the law". I guess it wasn't unlawful to tell lies.
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