The Splinter Group
This group is an offshoot of the 1980’s Splinter Group, led by Russell Murphy and assisted by Frances Miranda and Ihrene Scearse (later on the enrollment committee and committed to removing tribal members). Non-enrolled members of Pechanga, they started attending meetings and disrupted the regular goings on of the business. They announced that they were separating from the band and forming their own Tribe. They petitioned the BIA to recognize them, but the BIA refused.With few exceptions, no member of the splinter group applied for membership because they knew they could not meet the constitutional requirements established by the Pechanga Band.The actions of the splinter group raise legitimate questions: Are they really Pechanga? Are they able to document their lineal descent from an Original Pechanga Temecula Person as the Pechanga Bands Constitution and Bylaws require? Did they figure that disruption of tribal matters was the way to go?
At Pechanga, those involved in the disenrollment of tribal members include:Ihrene Scearce, Frances Miranda, Ruth Masiel, Bobbi LeMere, Jennie Miranda, Andy Masiel, Russell "Butch" Murphy, Raymond Basquez, Vincent Ibanez, Gary DuBois, Yolie McCarter and Mark Macarro. They are responsible for the dead of those who have been disenrolled from Pechanga.
Chronology of Events
1. In December 2001, Yolanda McCarter (niece of Irene Scearce and Ruth Masiel)
OP: and she is the one on the Pechanga infomercial saying she could die happy if she didn't have the casino money.) submitted a letter to Enrollment Committee demanding the Committee research several families including ours. The request stated that "this (be) straightened up before the next election in July." (So that there would be less votes, a clear sign that they wanted to disenfranchise "several families")
2. In June 2002, Enrollment Committee Chairperson Mary Magee is removed from the Committee for divulging confidential information. (She was caught talking about other families. Her sister is Gloria Wright, who is CPP) A petition is justified to amend the Disenrollment Procedures. A vote to approve or deny the petition is set for July 2002. (Petition is not brought forth until February 2003.) The newly built Pechanga Resort and Casino is opened. This is a permanent structure which replaced the original Casino structures which were in modular and sprung structure. In October 2002, 2 new members are elected to Enrollment Committee to bring membership up to required 10 members. (A member retired from Committee in September 2002). Olivia Walls is elected Committee Chair, and we request an audit of Enrollment Committee activities for the previous years and advice from our legal counsel at California Indian Legal Services on how to address wrong-doings by Committee and Committee members. Our legal counsel is told by John Macarro not to take any action to assist the Committee or answer our questions regarding the wrong-doings. (Wrong doings include enrollment of adult family members of 'certain' enrollment committee members.)
3. November 12, 2002, members of the Enrollment Committee, acting without a quorum and outside the Committee's procedures, serve several other Committee members with disenrollment summonses. The Committee members who took the action were- Irene Scearce, Ruth Masiel, Frances Miranda, Margaret Duncan, and Bobbi Lamere. Those served include John Gomez, Theresa Spears, Olivia Walls, and Sandra Garbani. (Lamere later gets her family members enrolled in the tribe, during the "moratorium"
4. On December 10, 2002, Concerned Pechanga People (These were part of the splinter group, many who were not on the original 1979 membership roll, as the Hunters were) submit documents to the Enrollment Committee questioning the lineal descent of several families including the Manuela Miranda descendents, Paulina Hunter descendents, and Garbani descendents. This action was taken a month after the above action. The Concerned Pechanga people are immediate family and friends of Committee members who initiated the November 12, 2002 action. (See list of Pechanga Enrollment Committee members, Splinter Group and Concerned Pechanga people).
Friday, January 9, 2009
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The Drip "Source of Life"
Eventually by 1986 Russell "Butch" Murphy did apply for tribal membership and he and his family's applications were turned down by the Pechanga Band's enrollment committee.
But Mr. Muprhy, was able to appeal the enrollment committee's decision to the General Membership and the tribe voted to overturn the enrollment conmmittee's decision and to take him and his family in as tribal members.
As I said at OP's blog, the fact that Mr. Murphy is a tribal member today directly contradicts the tribal council's ruling in March 2006 that the enrollment committee has the final authority in all matters of enrollment.
Which the reasoning the tribal council gave in allowing us, the Hunters, to be disenrolled in 2006 after the tribe had voted in 2005 to outlaw disenrollment.
The tribal council stated in its 2006 letter to the General Membership that tribal legal precedent made it illegal for the General Membership to question or interrupt the actions of the enrollment committee concerning enrollment or disenrollment.
Also as I said at OP's blog, what legal precedent was the tribal council talking about because one of the councilmen, Mr. Murphy, is living, breathing proof that the General Membership, the final authority on matters of tribal government, can in fact overrule the decisions of the enrollment committee.
I know a lot our family members think it was a big mistake to help Butch Murphy get enrolled and while I do agree with this, him being in the tribe can help our cause because if the General Membership can overrule the enrollment committee's decision not to enroll him, why couldn't they overrule the committee's decision to disenroll us?
Now all we need though is a fair and impartial hearing of our case, which we haven't had by a long shot yet.
Watch Allen Lawson and his hired help deny the birth rights to one family at San Pasqual
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